Inside Scoop
On August, 2012-2014 I attended a predominately white high school in the country. There was few African Americans that attended the school, but the majority were Caucasian. The few African Americans were not proud of their identity. The black boys would not date inside their race and I constantly heard people tell me that I was so pretty to be a black girl, as if I shouldn't be the color I am. The black girls constantly felt bad for being black and never embraced their identity. Once I graduated and got accepted into a HBCU, I saw a huge culture change. The melanin queens and kings around me loved their skin and were not afraid to show it off. Natural hair was worn, appreciation post of African Americans were shown off, and for once the statement “you're too pretty to be black” was an insult to many. Once I saw how carefree everyone was here about embracing their identity, I then decided to create a brand to uplift and embrace every African American in this world. On March 8th, 2015 I created Yvngblvck followed by Ala Rasi, anything for you. Created March 8th, 2017. My objective is to never have any woman or man of color be afraid to show off their roots and by doing so I created a fashion brand that is stylish and can be worn anywhere, anytime, and anyplace.